Elephant Insurance claims are the funny insurance claims that end up sucking up so much money and time that it makes good and timely people get the worst service because they are getting the rough end of their insurance representatives time because the people filing false insurance claims are taking up all the valuable time and attention with their elephant insurance claims! This can be so frustrating because no matter how harsh the penalty for elephant insurance claims, there will always be another person out there that is going to think that he or she is brighter and smarter than the rest who have already been caught for fraudulent insurance claims, and will inevitably try to file his or her own elephant insurance claims to see if they can get away with it.
What elephant insurance claims accomplish is not much in the long run, because the insurance representatives have seen and heard it all and it does not take much for them to spot elephant insurance claims when they come in. Being a professional in the business exposes them to all of this on a regular basis, so there is nothing that can come their way that they have yet to see. Even so, none of this has been a deterrent over the years to get elephant insurance claims to go away. Those that are going to try will always be prevalent and there is nothing we can do about it. Perhaps it is the poor economy that is making people think they can extort money, or at least making them feel desperate enough to try. What is funny about it all is that if these people took as much energy and time into making money, as they do in creating elephant insurance claims, they would not be in desperate need for the money they are trying to fraudulently get from their elephant insurance claims in the first place!