Many people think they can go without paying for insurance each month. However, protecting your assets and possessions is one of the most essential parts of safeguarding your finances. There is a type of insurance for virtually anything you can think of — from data privacy insurance to life and health insurance — but there are only a handful that you absolutely need.
Here are the four types of insurance you shouldn’t go without:
1. Life insurance: Life insurance is intended to protect your loved ones from potential financial burden or hardship in the event of your passing. A life insurance agent or independent insurance agent can help you set up a life insurance policy that fits your income, as there are a few different types of life insurance you can purchase.
2. Health insurance: Did you know that as many as 48 million Americans don’t have some form of health care? That means millions of people put off or entirely avoid seeking medical treatments because they can’t afford it. With the right health insurance policy from an independent insurance agent, your health care will become affordable.
3. Auto insurance: More than 11 million car accidents happen across the country each year. Most people think they’ll never get into a car accident — but because of how common they are, it’s essential to have a solid car insurance plan from an independent insurance agent to help you recover after a car crash.
4. Homeowners insurance: Your home is probably the biggest investment you will ever make, which is why protecting your investment with a homeowners insurance policy from an independent insurance agent is a must. An independent insurance agent can help you save thousands — even millions — on home damages that could take place. See this reference for more.